Friday, October 7, 2011

Rozlyn at 5 months!

Rozlyn is getting more and more interactive both physically and socially.  She is rolling over both ways now with ease, though she prefers to spend most of her time laying on her belly, propped up on her elbows, looking around (like the Cobra yoga pose).  Rozlyn is more curious and observant of her surroundings too.  Her toys provide entertainment, though it may be short-lived until she just wants to put the toy in her mouth.  She is grabbing onto anything and everything in her reach.  She is especially intrigued by watching us eat and drink.  If you're not careful, she will grab your cup right out of your hands and help herself.  Thus, she got her first sippy cup to indulge in.

Rozlyn is a rambling girl.  She babbles on and on and on with her coos and ahs to anyone who will listen. A few weeks ago she started making consonants sounds too.... gagaga....dadadada.  We got really excited and started teaching her "Hi daddy", which sounds like "ay dadadadada". Her little voice is so sweet and heart warming!

This month she really started getting good nights' sleep!  It's amazing how a whole night of uninterrupted sleep changed from the expected to something that is treasured once a baby enters your life.

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